Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Sumatra Tonic
These terms and conditions explain the rules for using the Sumatra Tonic website.
By using this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you don’t agree, please don’t use our site.

"You" or "Your" refers to you, the person using this website.
"The Company," "We," or "Us" refers to Sumatra Tonic.
"Party" refers to both you and us.

We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. Cookies help us remember your preferences and make our site more user-friendly. Some of our partners might also use cookies.

All content on our website belongs to Sumatra Tonic or its licensors. You can use it for personal purposes only. You cannot:
User Comments
You can post comments on our website. However, we do not review or edit these comments before they appear. We are not responsible for any comments posted by users. If comments are inappropriate or violate our terms, we may remove them.

Certain organizations can link to our website without asking:
Government agencies
Search engines
News organizations
Online directories
These links should be accurate and not misleading. If you want to link to our site, let us know by email. We may approve links from various organizations if they don’t harm our reputation.

You cannot use iFrames to frame our website without our permission.

Content Liability
We are not responsible for content on other websites that link to us. You agree to protect us from any claims related to your website.

Please read our Privacy Policy for information about how we handle your data.

Rights and Changes
We can ask you to remove links to our website at any time. We can also update these terms and conditions. By continuing to link to our site, you agree to follow these rules.

Removing Links
If you find any link on our site that you think is inappropriate, let us know. We might remove it, but we don’t have to.

We do not guarantee the accuracy or availability of the information on our site. We are not liable for any damages arising from the use of our site, especially if it is provided for free.